Artist Profiles

Profile of Photographer Kris Linder

Practicing architectural interior design for over 25 years she says has expanded her vision to the architecture of nature. It seems to her that everything around her has had a planner, designer, visionary, i.e.: architect Her photography of natural environments whether they be sunsets, or tree bark, water or stones is organic in nature and offers the viewer the ability to “walk into” the scene and examine all that goes on above, below and inside our earth and skies.

Loving the quiet time of sunsets in Maui and awed by what she saw, Kris framed the sky every night relishing the many colors and scenes the sunset offers up. She calls her series “SunSpirits.”

Her “Whales in the Sky” collection is the result of whale season and watching them breech as if they are reaching for the sky in order to swim there.

Looking for the ethereal green flash she discovered her “Rainbow” collection, some enhanced, others the natural play on light “Clouds on Fire” says it all, hot, molten sun plays with the clouds and sets them on fire as it recedes from our sight leaving it’s light and power lingering in the clouds.

“I feel a rich mixture of sensations, emotions and experience while watching sunsets” and she hopes you will too.

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